A downloadable Root fan faction

This is my first Root fan faction! They are a cartel of squirrels aiming to keep control of their area of the Woodland through subterfuge or violence. Never mess with the Cartel.

The theme "Stack the Odds" inspired me to make a faction that could change a battle's roll by spending a card. I also have been playing some Dominion recently and I really like the concept of sifting through cards to get just the one you need, so I added that as a power they grant other players through casinos. I wanted a faction that was simple and with decent military power so they can police the board (since I know many fan factions are pretty insurgent). I ended up with a scoring mechanic that is based on ruling matching clearings that correspond to cards in their Turf. I feel like a cartel would try to stick to their own area and deal viciously with challengers. Finally I added the bounty mechanic, which is a really interesting way to incentivize other players to hit the person who hit you (or get yourself back in the game after losing casinos). Since the bounties are marks (not tokens/buildings), players don't score extra points when they are removed but they do draw a card. I made them squirrels because I loved Kyle Ferrin's art for these creatures.

I would LOVE feedback on what you ENJOY, and how to IMPROVE them (visually, rules wise, or just balance).

The faction still needs some tweaks: 
-for one, the graphic design (especially back of the faction board). 
- I also need to do more playtesting to check balance issues as well as whether the "ruling matching clearings" mechanic is actually fun, or if there is a better way for the Cartel to score. (Maybe the fact that you discard the scoring card from the Turf makes it so that they change up their clearings too much? But that might be good so they don't just turtle in their main clearings). 
- It also might be good to make an asset for their Turf instead of just telling players to put the cards above their board. 
- TTS assets


RootJam2023_AcornCartel.pdf 569 kB

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